Sufen Zhang Testimonial

Sufen Zhang

After I had my child, there was once when I brought her out. As I was standing up after putting her down, I suddenly felt in my lower back some soreness and pain.  The doctor said, “Oh, this is due to a herniated disc. It’s common.” Thus, I didn’t pay much attention to it.

After coming to the United States, I started working in a 99¢ store. Working in a 99¢ store requires standing from morning to night. The longer I worked, the more pain I felt. Finally, I visited a doctor and had an MRI at a hospital. I was terrified by the test result. The doctor said,  “First, you have a herniated disc. In addition, the cushion between your vertebrae, which is the intervertebral synovium, is calcified.” Calcification means: A normal person’s intervertebral synovium is smooth and soft. It acts as a cushion between the bones when they move. But in my case, there is no cushioning. It’s hard. Basically, my bones are grinding against each other. So, I spent every day in pain.  “Well, it’s okay,” I thought. I can still eat and drink, and I can still work. So I didn’t take it to heart.

Until one day, the pain was so bad and it was impossible for me to stand or sit. I could only lie down. I was in bed for two months. I felt lost. What should I do? Furthermore, I could only lie flat. I had pain even when I tried to lie on my side. Lying for two months was really torturous. This has never happened before. The physical pain was unbearable. Mentally, I also collapsed. This is because before this, I had tried all kinds of treatments and none were effective. That’s why I was really disheartened. I felt like I was basically disabled. But I feel I am very lucky. I happened to be reading the newspaper at home one day, and I saw “Bodhi Meditation – Replenish Your Energy”. So I came to Bodhi Meditation.

In the Chanting Retreat, I forgot if it was on the second or the third day, the teacher led us to chant with repentance. First, to repent to my parents and ancestors. And secondly, to repent to the lives I have hurt. That day, I cried so much. I really felt a deep sense of unease and guilt in my heart. But while I was crying and chanting, I felt something like an electric current, moving from my head to my lower back. In the next few days of chanting, I clearly felt that I was more easeful day by day. I was feeling happier every day. By the time the retreat was over, I was relieved and at ease. The pain was gone. I could walk normally. I was so happy!

After that, I continued to practice prostration every day. At the beginning, I started with 36 prostrations a day. Then increased to 72. Then it was 108. So, the Chanting Retreat solved my big issue. But minor issues still existed. After three months, the minor pains slowly subsided. I could sit. Before that, if I sat for half an hour, I would feel slightly uncomfortable, and a slight pain. One time, I was driving, and I had to sit in the car for an entire five hours. My back did not hurt at all. I remember that time most vividly. It was a turning point and a transformation for my back. I was almost the same as a normal person.

Now I’ve returned to work. I have no physical issues at all. I eat well, sleep well, and have good health. Everything tastes good to me. I’m always happy with what I am doing. I’m really happy! I’m really thankful to Bodhi Meditation. Thank you, Grandmaster JinBodhi.

The intent of the testimonial is to offer wellness information of a general nature. Individual results of practice may vary.