In September, another session of the Bodhi Meditation Health and Happiness Retreat concluded successfully. Every student had a joyful smile on their faces!

Fellow practitioners eagerly shared the miraculous benefits they experienced and expressed deep gratitude to Grandmaster JinBodhi. Let’s hear about some of the benefits from our fellow practitioners!

Qing Yin

I am grateful for the energy bestowed by Grandmaster and the blessings of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. I see everyone radiant with vitality, and it feels like everyone has become younger! In this Health and Happiness Retreat, I have benefited both physically and mentally. Recently, many things happened at home, and various stresses made me feel extremely tired, with my brain feeling very heavy.

Every day in the retreat is a form of purification for me. Now I feel my mind is light, and there is no longer a sense of heaviness in my head. All the previous negative, oppressive emotions from the loss of loved ones have eased. The heart has relaxed, and the body has followed suit, making my steps light and graceful when walking. At the same time, I feel that my emotional knots have been untied.

Being the youngest in the family, I have always been cared for by my older siblings. Under Grandmaster’s guidance, I have realized my own selfishness. I cannot just accept the love my family gives me; I also need to appreciate and care for them from the heart! Every class brings me improvement and genuine internal change. Grateful for Grandmaster’s teachings!

Rong Ning

This is my second time attending the Health and Happiness Retreat this year, and I’ve gained a lot from it. Having worked in restaurants for over twenty years, I accumulated occupational ailments, especially in my right arm. Lifting heavy bowls and plates caused prolonged swelling and pain, making my right arm noticeably thicker than the left. I had tried physical therapy and massage before, but it seemed to have little effect.

During the first five days of the retreat, while practicing the “Wheel Mudra” of the “Meditation of Greater Illumination”, my shoulder remained painful and stiff. On the sixth day, during the high-energy blessing of “Drumming and Singing,” my entire body felt sore. After the blessing, I suddenly felt my shoulder and arm relax in a way I had never experienced before! So far, the stiff and painful shoulder that troubled me for over twenty years has improved by ninety percent. I am overjoyed and grateful to Grandmaster!

I also had an unexpected gain during the retreat. Two months ago, I discovered a lump in my right breast. Although it wasn’t painful, it worried me a lot. Originally, I planned to see a specialist after completing this course. Now, the lump seems to have dissipated significantly, at least reducing by seventy percent.

With a healthier body, my mood has improved too! In this course, I not only gained physical health but, more importantly, Grandmaster’s compassionate teachings inspired me to become more aware of my inner self. My emotional management has also strengthened. In the past, if my husband complained about something, I would feel unfairly treated, even though I didn’t argue with him verbally. This time, when he criticized my handling of my father’s affairs, I didn’t retort or get angry. Instead, I looked at the situation from his perspective, which is a significant growth and progress for me. Grateful to Grandmaster for bringing health and happiness to my body, mind, and spirit.

Qing Feng

Recently, my health hasn’t been very good. My blood pressure was very high, and even with medication, it wouldn’t come down. The diastolic pressure was consistently between 90-100 mmHg, and I also felt discomfort in my heart. On the first day of the class, I started spontaneous fasting, didn’t take any medication, and miraculously, by the evening, my blood pressure became normal! In the following days, I didn’t take any medication, and every time I measured my blood pressure at home, it was normal. I lost seven pounds, and my body feels light. Grandmaster’s methods are truly amazing. Grateful to Grandmaster.

Zheng Fangzhou

I came to this Health and Happiness Retreat not only for my own attendance but also to accompany my sister. She has been suffering from depression for several decades, harboring many negative emotions. These past few days, I’ve witnessed a positive change in her, with a much brighter mood and a visible smile. I hope her health continues to improve.

I have had heart disease for over three years, but since coming to classes at Bodhi Meditation, I feel lighter, and my happiness has increased significantly. My heartbeat has finally returned to normal, and I no longer experience dizziness or headaches. I am very happy to be here, where such excellent practices are available for quick energy replenishment, health benefits, and, most importantly, the opportunity to accumulate merit. Every time I come to the meditation center, I proactively inquire about various merit-making projects because doing good deeds brings me great joy and a sense of ease.

Let me share the miraculous effect of offering lights. In the first two days of the course, I caught a cold. Every night, I had severe coughing, an uncomfortable throat, and felt exhausted in the morning. On the second day of the course, I offered a 49-days light for my deceased mother. Strangely enough, on the third day, my cold symptoms disappeared. Typically, recovering from a cold or flu takes at least a week or more, so the power of this light in generating merit is truly incredible.

Grandmaster’s compassionate teachings have brought about a significant change in my inner self. I’ve become aware of my past selfishness and identified many areas for improvement, knowing how to better interact with my family in the future. Grateful for Grandmaster’s guidance, my body, mind, and spirit have all benefited. Thankful to Grandmaster, I want to share his teachings with my family and friends, and I want to register as a volunteer!

Wang Shaoping

I am 71 years old and have been suffering from rheumatoid arthritis for decades. My fingers are stiff, and my right hand is almost powerless. I couldn’t even open my lunchbox. My hand couldn’t make a fist, causing a lot of inconvenience in my daily life. On the fifth day of the Health and Happiness Retreat, after listening to Grandmaster’s energy-empowered music “Celestial Chant,” my fingers became flexible, my hand gained strength, I could make a fist, and my whole body relaxed. Even my legs and feet became agile and powerful.

I also have asthma, and two weeks before participating in this course, I contracted COVID-19. My immune system weakened, and my mental state was not good. I always felt tired and fatigued, unable to summon the energy to do anything, and had no appetite. After joining this Health and Happiness Retreat, I clearly felt my energy returning. My entire body gained strength, my complexion improved significantly, and my mood became better! I have benefited a lot from this class and am deeply grateful to Grandmaster.

Tang Meilian

A few years ago, due to a car accident, both of my legs were broken. When I woke up in the hospital, I saw myself wrapped up like a mummy, with my whole body covered. Over these years, I have tried various physical therapies, but the pain in my body has not diminished. Since the accident, I have always needed a cane to walk. In August, I accidentally fell and sprained my foot. Traditional Chinese medicine said that it would take at least a hundred days to recover from bone and tendon injuries, but I had already enrolled in the chanting class in August. Although it was painful, I insisted on having my sister drive me to the meditation center for class every day. After seven days of the chanting class, my spirits improved significantly.

This Health and Happiness Retreat brought even greater benefits. Through reciting the “Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Golden Words,” I feel more confident. During the treatment process for the previous traffic accident, whether due to the effects of medication or other reasons, my skin began to develop ringworm. I would itch all over, and my skin would turn red. I tried many ointments, but they couldn’t cure it. After the Health and Happiness Retreat, my skin condition improved by eighty percent. It’s not as itchy, and it’s no longer red.

On the first day of practicing the “Meditation of Greater Illumination,” my legs hurt so much that I couldn’t stand. On the second day, I tried standing while practicing, but halfway through, I had to sit down. On the third day, a miracle happened. I could stand for the entire duration of the practice three times in a row! On the sixth day, during the blessing of “Drumming and Singing,” my legs started to ache, but after the blessing, both legs felt relaxed. Starting from the seventh day, when I came to the meditation center, I left the cane at home and came by bus! Today is the eighth day, and I “ran” in from outside in the morning. The front desk volunteer was surprised and asked, “Where is your cane?” I said, “I don’t need it anymore!” She was very happy for me. Grateful for Grandmaster’s blessings, Grandmaster’s practice is truly wonderful.

Danisha Johnson and Daneane Johnson

Danisha Johnson

I have suffered from eczema for many years, and my skin is highly sensitive to the sun. Even a slight exposure to sunlight gives me a burning sensation. I have consulted many dermatologists and tried numerous medications, but there has been no cure. Eczema might also be related to sensitivity to certain foods, so I’ve made various attempts in my diet, but none have been effective.

On the first day of the course, for more than three hours in the morning, I surprisingly did not feel any itching on my skin, and my mood was very calm. Over these days, my skin has not itched, and the roughness I experienced before has become much smoother. The scars have also faded significantly. I feel like this is simply a miracle.

Daneane Johnson

It’s my first time participating in the course at Bodhi Meditation with my sister. The energy field here is excellent, creating a very relaxing atmosphere. I’ve had a cyst in my ear for several months. Normally, when I touch it with my hand, it feels quite prominent. However, over these past few days of the course, it’s evident that the cyst inside my ear has significantly reduced, and I can hardly feel it anymore. Previously, I used to easily experience anxiety, but after the meditation, I feel a sense of calmness in my mood.

The intent of the testimonial is to offer wellness information of a general nature. Individual results of practice may vary.