Mandy Fong testimonial

Mandy Fong

I had many minor health problems. For example, after I walked for an hour, my legs could become badly cramped. I often experienced stomach pain and could not eat certain foods I love, such as whole eggs, anything made from glutinous rice, taro, and sweet potatoes.

I started practicing Energy Bagua in 2015. At first, my arms were sore and my legs tired easily. After a while, I slowly got used to it and felt happy every time I practiced. It was like a rebirth, with every cell in my body renewed. If I missed one day of practice, I didn’t feel good. I continue to practice Energy Bagua every day and after practice, I feel energized.

After about a year, I noticed my leg and stomach pain slowly disappeared and I could eat all food types that I like. That made me very happy. As long as I practiced Energy Bagua every day, I can eat everything and not worry about gaining weight. I am also able to volunteer at the Bodhi Meditation Center. Whether I work in the kitchen at the Center or walk all day outside, my legs don’t cramp anymore.

I used to have floaters in my eyes and saw flying black shadows. Yet over the past few years, these shadows gradually disappeared. My vision improved. Now I don’t need reading glasses to make out telephone numbers. Furthermore, my annual physical examinations showed that my hereditary thalassemia improved year after year.

Due to the pandemic last year, some of my friends passed away. I was depressed and had shingles. The infection started from my calf, even my bones ached. Because of the pandemic, I dared not go visit a doctor, and only took the medicine my daughter gave me. I persisted in walking Energy Bagua and was fully recovered in about one month.

Energy Bagua has brought me so many benefits! Besides walking Energy Bagua daily on my own, I also started an Energy Bagua practice location, to practice with a group of friends and to help more people reap its benefits.

The intent of the testimonial is to offer wellness information of a general nature. Individual results of practice may vary.